
Soil & Plant Scientists

Soil & Plant Scientists

Bright Outlook

Career outlook for

Soil & Plant Scientists

What's it like?

Conduct research in breeding, physiology, production, yield, and management of crops and agricultural plants or trees, shrubs, and nursery stock, their growth in soils, and control of pests; or study the chemical, physical, biological, and mineralogical composition of soils as they relate to plant or crop growth. May classify and map soils and investigate effects of alternative practices on soil and crop productivity.

Working conditions


  1. Communicate research or project results to other professionals or the public or teach related courses, seminars, or workshops.
  2. Conduct experiments to develop new or improved varieties of field crops, focusing on characteristics such as yield, quality, disease resistance, nutritional value, or adaptation to specific soils or climates.
  3. Develop new or improved methods or products for controlling or eliminating weeds, crop diseases, or insect pests.

Top Skills

  • Reading Comprehension.
  • Science.
  • Speaking.
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Active Learning.
  • Complex Problem Solving.
  • Active Listening.
  • Writing.
  • Judgment.
  • Decision Making.
  • Monitoring.
  • Systems Analysis.
  • Systems Evaluation.
  • Learning Strategies.
  • Instructing.
  • Operations Analysis.
  • Mathematics.
  • Coordination.
  • Quality Control Analysis.
  • Time Management. 
  • Social Perceptiveness.


Bachelor degree in Chemistry , agricultural plant , Environmental sciences and pollution treatments

Average Salary​

15175/ Month

Career Pathway

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