
Advanced Practice Psychiatric

Advanced Practice Psychiatric

Bright Outlook

Career outlook for

Advanced Practice Psychiatric

What's it like?

Assess, diagnose, and treat individuals and families with mental health or substance use disorders or the potential for such disorders. Apply therapeutic activities, including the prescription of medication, per state regulations, and the administration of psychotherapy.

Working conditions


  1. Monitor patients’ medication usage and results.
    Document patients’ medical and psychological histories, physical assessment results, diagnoses, treatment plans, prescriptions, or outcomes .
  2. Diagnose psychiatric disorders and mental health conditions.
    Evaluate patients’ behavior to formulate diagnoses or assess treatments.
  3. Distinguish between physiologically- and psychologically-based disorders, and diagnose appropriately.
  4. Assess patients’ mental and physical status, based on the presenting symptoms and complaints.
  5. Educate patients and family members about mental health and medical conditions, preventive health measures, medications, or treatment plans.
  6. Write prescriptions for psychotropic medications as allowed by state regulations and collaborative practice agreements.
  7. Collaborate with interdisciplinary team members, including psychiatrists, psychologists, or nursing staff, to develop,
  8. implement, or evaluate treatment plans.
  9. Develop and implement treatment plans.
  10. Conduct individual, group, or family psychotherapy for those with chronic or acute mental disorders.
  11. Consult with psychiatrists or other professionals when unusual or complex cases are encountered.
  12. Participate in treatment team conferences regarding diagnosis or treatment of difficult cases.See more occupations related to this task.
  13. Develop practice protocols for mental health problems, based on review and evaluation of published research.
  14. Refer patients requiring more specialized or complex treatment to psychiatrists, primary care physicians, or other medical specialists.
  15. Develop, implement, or evaluate programs such as outreach activities, community mental health programs, and crisis situation response activities.
  16. Teach classes in mental health topics, such as stress reduction.
    Administer medications, including those administered by injection.
  17. Monitor the use and status of medical and pharmaceutical supplies.
  18. Provide routine physical health screenings to detect or
  19. monitor problems such as heart disease and diabetes.
  20. Treat patients for routine physical health problems.
  21. Direct or provide home health services.
  22. Participate in activities aimed at professional growth and development, including conferences or continuing education activities.                           
  23. Interpret diagnostic or laboratory tests, such as electrocardiograms (EKGs) and renal functioning tests.

Top Skills

  • Reading Comprehension.
  • Instructing.
  • Writing.
  • Speaking.
  • Active Listening.
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Persuasion.
  • Learning Strategies.
  • Monitoring
  • Judgment and Decision Making.
  • Complex Problem Solving.
  • Service Orientation.
  • Perceptiveness.
  • Time Management.
  • Coordination
  • Management of Personnel Resources Negotiation
  • Active Learning
  • Operation analysis
  • System analysis
  • System evaluation


Bachelor degree in Nursing Practice , Nursing Science , Registered Nursing , Family Practice Nursing , Public Health Nursing , Nursing Administration , Clinical Nurse Leader , Critical Care Nursing , Operating Room and Surgical Nursing , Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing , Health profession and other related programs

Average Salary​

6600/ Month

Career Pathway

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