
Animal Scientists

Animal Scientists

Career outlook for

Animal Scientists

What's it like?

Conduct research in the genetics, nutrition, reproduction, growth, and development of domestic farm animals.

Working conditions


  1. Study nutritional requirements of animals and nutritive values of animal feed materials.
  2. Advise producers about improved products and techniques that could enhance their animal production efforts.
  3. Develop improved practices in feeding, housing, sanitation, or parasite and disease control of animals.

Top Skills

  • Science.
  • Reading Comprehension.
  • Writing.
  • Speaking.
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Active Listening.
  • Active Learning.
  • Complex Problem Solving.
  • Judgment and Decision Making.
  • Systems Analysis.
  • Monitoring.
  • Mathematics.
  • Learning Strategies.
  • Coordination.
  • Systems Evaluation and Instructing.
  • Time Management.
  • Social Perceptiveness.
  • Persuasion.
  • Service Orientation.



Average Salary​

12424/ Month

Career Pathway

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