
Political Scientists

Political Scientists

Career outlook for

Political Scientists

What's it like?

Study the origin, development, and operation of political systems. May study topics, such as public opinion, political decision making, and ideology. May analyze the structure and operation of governments, as well as various political entities. May conduct public opinion surveys, analyze election results, or analyze public documents.

Working conditions


  1. Disseminate research results through academic publications, written reports, or public presentations.
  2. Teach political science. Develop and test theories, using information from interviews, newspapers, periodicals, case law, historical papers, polls, or statistical sources.

Top Skills

  • Reading Comprehension.
  • Speaking.
  • Active Listening.
  • Critical Thinking.
  • Writing.
  • Active Learning.
  • Social Perceptiveness.
  • Complex Problem Solving.
  • Judgment and Decision Making.
  • Learning Strategies.
  • Instructing.
  • Systems Analysis.
  • Monitoring.
  • Coordination.
  • Persuasion.
  • Time Management.
  • Science.
  • Negotiation.
  • Service Orientation.
  • Systems Evaluation.


Political Science and Public Administration.

Average Salary​

10166/ Month

Career Pathway

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